2016年10月9日 星期日








BBS 的網友說明 https://disp.cc/b/163-8Spf
Google 搜尋 https://www.google.com.tw/search?q=部分民進黨員+日據權貴&btnG=搜尋

CNN 的報導 http://ireport.cnn.com/docs/DOC-1261377

以下為 CNN的報導內容,經 Google 翻譯:

CNN生產者注意在這片所表達的意見僅代表iReporter的。 CNN無法確認所有在這個iReport的索賠。
- hhanks,CNN iReport的製片人










下午 01:21 2018/9/19 補充 CNN 新聞的撰寫內容,如下:

The power game behind high school students
By VidocqLee | Posted August 2, 2015 | Taipei, Taiwan

CNN PRODUCER NOTE The opinions expressed in this piece are solely those of the iReporter. CNN cannot confirm all of the claims in this iReport.
- hhanks, CNN iReport producer

Taiwan high school students assembled in the legislative yuan to protest the recent proposal made by Ministry of Education on 7/28. The proposal is to revise course content over explanation of local history during WWII and the transition period from Japanese occupation to the government of Republic of China in 1945. In particularly, it mentioned the mass sexual crimes of Japanese military drafting more than 2,000 Taiwanese women as sexual slaves at that time.

The revision of course material was interpreted as “KMT Party’s evil plan” which tries to promote the “One China” concept, and the counter party of DPP, led by chairman Tsai ing wen sponsored her supporter financially to organize the two months protest from June and it is still not ended.

Being a Chinese or a Taiwanese have becoming a taboo or more precisely an identity for Taiwan people, some DPP members` family were group of privileged during Japanese occupation period before WWII. By contrast to most poor local peasants and a few of immigrants from mainland China who were benefited from ROC’s land reallocation policy during 50s, the land reallocation policies seems to be a “worse land policies of ROC” in the eyes of many DPP supporters, who used to be the landlords especially. Tsai ing wen ‘s father was a merchant supporting Japanese army for maintenance services and her family were considered “loyal Japanese” which was considered as honor and became high class tycoon since then.

“I feel sorry to those old ladies who was forced to be sexual slaves of Japanese army, and if it is what the high student protesting for, and trying to suggest they are volunteered, I will be fully in shamed to consider myself as Taiwanese” said by Mr. Huang, a local resident.

Tsai Ing-wen ‘s education and foreign policy have becoming more questionable to many Taiwanese, if such revision of course material suspend after the protest, Taiwan will be the first country claiming that sexual slaves in Japanese army during WII were volunteered , not forced.

“I am confused about her, she promised that she will seek to maintain current diplomatic status with China a month ago, and now what does it mean to us when she financially support the student to occupy the legislative yuan? We want a stable and harmonic society” said by a mother of student.

A receipt of sponsorship was revealed on internet anonymously three weeks ago, every students supporting DPP and committed to the protest organized by the party will receive many kinds of supports, like a pay of 1,495 NTD. The news was later on recognized by the DPP party, who was in the meantime arguing that KMT should not put their hands in school.

“I want my son back! I worry that my son has become chess on Tsai ing wen’s power game. Why does she not going on the street to protest by herself?” said by some parents of student, who were trying persuade their children to go home.

It has been over two months since the first waves of protest in June, one student committed suicide on 7/30, the student death was suspicious since his last internet conversation shows that he was trying to prevent his peers from occupying the legislative yuan. Some evidences show that his suicide was caused by the hates and peer pressure from his friends, and there is still no response or comment from Tsai ing wen, everything is silent on the table.


HR , NO!Human Resources,NO!

※※ 這樣內容,上手會困難嗎?※※ 我想到什麼?就寫什麼!※※



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